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Forum consacré à l'uniformologie et l'Histoire de l'armée Française de 1939/40
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 Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?

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3 participants
Soldat de 2e Classe
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Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2009

Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitimeMar 26 Nov 2013, 19:16


I will ask in English, my French is still terrible. Sorry for that Embarassed 

Would it be possible to see a mixture of the equipment modifé 1934 and the later mle 1935 parts?

Like cartouchiéres modifé 1934 and a sac suéperieur and musette mle 35?

I have seen some pis of soldiers equipped with the ancien modéle cartouchiére mle 1916 and the mle 1935 bidon and in one case a soldier equipped with the mle 1935 leather eqipment but wearing an old havresac. But what´s about the mix of old and new leather equipments?

Thank you for your help.

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Messages : 5597
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Cherbourg - Manche (50) - Basse Normandie

Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitimeMar 26 Nov 2013, 21:04

It's not a good idea to mix equipments modifié 1934 or 1935 model or old model of the first worl war.
But for bidons it's different, in 1939-1940 you can use a 1877 model or a 1935 model with all models of equipments as you want (but with a "courroie" with old equipment and "boucleteaux" with equipements modifié 1934 and 1935 model). The model of bidon is not a part of the equipement, a soldier can use a 1877 model or 1935 model without distinction
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Messages : 207
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010

Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov 2013, 14:09


I worked a little about that question. I never see mixture of equipments mle 16/34/35, only mess tin (gamelle) mle 35 with equipment mle 16. Troups are equiped with only one type of equipment. but often have equipment mle 35 with Berthier rifles.
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Soldat de 2e Classe
Soldat de 2e Classe

Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2009

Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov 2013, 17:37

Okay thank you.

Another qiestion: During the surrender of the French Forces in Lille 1940 the units marched into captivity in full marching order, still with weapons. And they wore a "bedroll" with their blanket and their tent section rolled around their shoulders.

I haven´t seen this type of roll again, was it only for this "parade" or was it a common methode?

I only see this on pics from the WW1.

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Messages : 5597
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 41
Localisation : Cherbourg - Manche (50) - Basse Normandie

Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitimeVen 29 Nov 2013, 11:56

On photos of the surrender of the french forces in Lille, soldiers dont worn a combat equipement but just captivity paquetage.
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Soldat de 2e Classe
Soldat de 2e Classe

Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2009

Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitimeVen 29 Nov 2013, 15:13

Thank you, that explains a lot.

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Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?   Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37? I_icon_minitime

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Possibility of mixture of equipments modife 34 and mle 35/37?
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